Monday, December 28, 2009


What a special little boy. He's done so many things lately that have just made us laugh. First, Santa brought him a train table for Christmas. It has been hilarious watching him navigate this new toy. He's very anal about what trains you push where, when and in what direction. If you get it wrong, he says, "no, no, no!" And, Thomas and Rheneas are his favorites. It's always Percy that he tries to give away. The great thing is that it's like Christmas all over again everytime we come home from somewhere or he comes down in the morning. He loudly proclaims, "train table!" I'm glad to see him play with something that sparks his imagination in such a creative way. His favorite phrase these days is "Oh my goodness" and the other night he was trying to pick out which book to read at bedtime and just sat there in front of his bookcase for a few minutes and finally said, "let me see." It sounded like something an adult would say. It's just always something funny with him! Tonight I was undressing him for his bath and when I got him down to just his onesie undershirt he started talking about a "car". I thought this was just a random, two-year-old thought until I unsnapped his onesie and out fell a toy car. This just tickled him to death! Then he took the car and put it down the front of shirt. My best guess is that he was trying to hide the car at daycare and figured that down his shirt was the best place. Who knows how long it had been hidden down in his clothes! Everyday he becomes more and more of a treasure. We're so lucky to be the parents of such a thoughtful, empathetic, sweet natured little boy.

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