Thursday, December 24, 2009

IMAX - dare we take Layne?

Christmas Eve, Brad and I were both off, so we got the bright idea of taking Layne to see an IMAX movie since it's rainy and windy and we don't know what else to do. We've never taken him to a movie before, so we have no idea what to expect. We get in the theatre and he sees everyone else has a small box of popcorn, so now that's what he's fixed on and wants a box of his own. We didn't know they sold concessions and we only had $1.30, just shy of the $2 (rip off) small box that held maybe 24 kernals. No popcorn for Layne, so he chowed on some gummy snacks. Please, would the movie just start?? The lady made her obligatory IMAX announcements and the lights dimmed. Ahhh, let the fun begin...or maybe not. Lights down, Layne starts screaming, "Turn light on. Turn light on!" and "I might get out of here, I might get out of here." We were dying it was so funny. We were just about to pack up in hopes of receiving a refund on our barely-used tickets when Santa came on the screen and Layne stopped in his tracks. No more tears, no more squirming, just undivided attention toward the 8-story IMAX version of the North Pole wonder. What an invention! The kid barely batted an eye for 45 minutes as the movied played. We were so proud of him! It was a good family event that will soon be repeated for Santa-worthy good behavior!

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