Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Funny moment on the couch this evening. Brad and I were sitting with Layne as he watched Thomas Train and the baby started moving wildly in my belly. I told Brad to watch my belly, which was moving in such a way that you would think she was leading step aerobics in there. We were commenting on how disgusting it really is - the reality that there is another human being inside of me is sometimes overwhelming! And, kind of freaky. Anyways, we were so engrossed with watching her movements that we didn't notice that Layne, who was sitting right next to Brad, had pulled down his diaper enough to pull out his ding a ling - and he's just playing away. It hit me at that moment that I really have a little boy on my hands - and, at that, one who has now discovered his fun parts. What a ride we're in for! Never a dull moment in parenting!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God, that is just hilarious. Something to look forward to in a couple of years...
