Thursday, December 17, 2009

I give up!

We got a laugh out of Layne this evening. It was bedtime and his new act of defiance is to quickly crawl out of bed, saying "no", as soon as we place him in the bed and tell him it's time to go night night. So, tonight, we decided we'd just ignore it. If he got out of bed and followed us to the door, then so be it. We were not going to give his behavior the attention he craved. He cried hysterically and Brad wanted to go back in right away. I said, nope, let's ride this one out a little longer. About 15 minutes later, when all had been quiet for a while, I went upstairs to check on the little guy. Not only had he climbed back into bed on his own, he also had tucked himself in. I swear, it was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I was proud of him for self soothing, and I was proud of us for not giving in to his incessent crying. We're glad to put his newfound independence to the test!

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