Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Black and Blue

Full-time motherhood is kicking my ass. I thought the hardest job I ever had, or would have, would be working three (in a row) 12-hour shifts as an RN in a Level 1 trauma center. Wrong. It's caring for an almost three year-old and an infant, simultaneously. One wants this, the other wants that and usually their "wants" are at the same time. If I could be in two places at once with four arms instead of two and two eyes (of course) in the back of my head, I may be able to keep up with their needs. Maybe. But, since I'm a simple human, I've resigned to doing the best I can. We'll keep it at that. In my mind, and I'm sure in the mind of many others, the image of a stay-at-home mother is a luxurious one.....lounging around drinking in the love and goodness of your children while watching your favorite soap opera as you take a break from the glorious, sunny poolside where you've been perched all day. Wrong again. Those of us on the inside know the ugly (or beautiful?) truth and know the misperceptions that plague our profession all too well. As full-time moms, we feel like we have to be superwomen, never complaining about anything, even a hangnail, for fear that we will appear unappreciative of our "elevated" status (insert sarcasm here). A good friend pointed out to me that I should imagine where our family would be if my salaried husband didn't toil away for 60+ hours a week outside of the home and then imagine where our family would be if I didn't spend the same amount of time (or more) working (for free) within the home. It would be a disaster. Words could not EVEN begin to describe the maheim! That is where I find my value. But, valued or not, nothing could prepare me for the day-to-day and moment-to-moment challenges that have manifested in the last 48 hours. More on that tomorrow. This superwoman needs her superhero's rest. Goodnight!

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